real facts about yeast infection

The common yeast infection, also known as vaginitis, is a painful condition that many women experience at some point in their lives.
Characterized by extremely uncomfortable itching, burning and pain, and discharge, vaginal yeast infections are most often caused by unhealthy forms of fungus that grow in the warm, damp environment of the female genitalia. Men may also experience this condition, but it is most common in women. The most prominent form of yeast infection fungus is Candida albicans.

Symptoms can include:
a vaginal discharge that is typically thick,odorless, and whitish-gray in color.
The discharge has been described as having a cottage-cheese-like consistency.
Other symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include:
An intense itching of the vaginal or genital areaIrritation and burning Pain during sexual intercourse Pain or burning during urination Redness or soreness of the vagina or vulva in women; swelling of the vagina.

Can yeast infections go away on their own?
Left untreated, vaginal yeast infections often clear up on their own, usually when menstruation begins. Menstrual blood raises the vaginal pH, causing the number of yeast cells to decrease because they can't grow in the pH present during menstruation. Recurring yeast infections may be difficult to prevent or cure.
Can men catch a yeast infection?
Though yeast infections are more common in women, anyone can get one. It's possible for a man to get a genital yeast infection if he has unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who has a genital yeast infection. However, if your girlfriend has a yeast infection, it doesn't mean you'll get one too.

Natural remedies
For yeast infections, purported natural therapies include:
Yogurt & probioticsBoric acidGarlicTea tree oilDouching (especially with vinegar)
Though some positive anecdotal reports can be found on the Internet, most natural remedies for yeast infections are not (yet) supported by rigorous clinical studies.
Yogurt, Probiotics, and "Good" Bacteria

The vagina is home to numerous beneficial microbes, which keep pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes, including Candida, in check.
The yeasts grow out of control when something — such as antibiotics or hormones— disrupts that delicate balance.
Because of this fact, one of the most common natural remedies for yeast infections has long involved restoring the vagina's population of friendly bacteria, especially Lactobacillus acidophilus, by using yogurt or probiotics.

This can help with a yeast infection.
Oral Antifungal
For 5% of women, vaginal yeast infections are chronic, returning at least 4 times a year. In a study at Wayne State University School of Medicine, women with a history of recurrent episodes took the oral antifungal fluconazole (Diflucan) weekly for 6 months; during that time, the rate of recurring infection dropped 90%. Six months afterward, 43% were considered cured, compared with 22% of those taking a place.

Many yogurts contain the same type of probiotics that keeps the vagina healthy, yet studies have not been able to prove effectively that eating a daily cup offers any benefit for vaginal yeast infectiontreatment. But in a recent Italian study, women with chronic yeast infections who placed a probiotic tablet directly in the vagina (once a night for 7 nights, then every 3 nights for 3 weeks, and then once a week) saw their rates of yeast infection drop by 87%. Laurie Cullen, ND, a naturopathic physician and a professor at Bastyr University, suggests treating an infection with a conventional therapy first, and then trying a Lactobacillus pill (such as Jarrow Fem-Dophilus, which can be found at drug and health-food stores) to maintain a healthy vaginal environment.


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