What causes dark spot on the skin

What causes dark spots on the skin?

What are Acne scars or  " dark spots"

Acne Scars
Acne scars occur when normal tissue in the skin is destroyed and
replaced with fibrous tissue. You can think of an acne lesion or
a wound.
When the damage caused by acne is severe, the body can
respond by creating too much tissue or too little tissue. 
The production of too much tissue forms a keloid or a
hypertrophic scar, 
and too little tissue leads to that depression in the skin,
or atrophic scar.
The deeper and more inflamed the acne lesion, or the more
that it is picked or squeezed, it's more  likely to scar.

The reason behind dark spots
Some acne marks and scars are completely within your control 
while others are pre-determined. 
"People with deeper skin tones may develop darker marks
or hyperpigmentation, while people with lighter skin tones may
notice redness. A side from genetics, there are several lifestyle
habits that can make dark marks and scars worse.
"Sun exposure can supercharge melanocytes, 
"the  pigment-producing cells", causing marks and scars to
 become darken. And of course picking or squeezing pimples 
creates further inflammation and can ultimately lead to more
damage. So keep the fingers away.

But when hyperpigmentation problems do occur in darker
skinned individuals, they are often ones that are harder to treat,
like Melasma and Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).
Dermatologists believe that darker skinned individuals are more prone to these conditions because their skin has the capacity to produce a
greater amount of melanin which makes them susceptible to
abnormalities that cause an overproduction of skin 

Benefits of all natural remedies
Benefits of natural remedies they are cost effective.
Most ingredients for omega remedies are for around the home
things you use in every day living.

Natural remedies

Lemon Juice  - Lemon juice could possibly be the best remedy
for getting rid of dark spots that are caused for any reason. ...
Aloe Vera. Aloe has long been known for its healing properties
 of the skin
Buttermilk - this milk contains lactic acid which is very
beneficial to the skin. 
Buttermilk can be applied  directly to the skin with a cotton 
swab tremendously with black spots. 
All that is needed is the application, wait a couple minutes, and
then rinse. It’s really that easy. 
If you have acne or are prone to oily skin.  
You can all so mix a little lemon juice to some buttermilk. 
Adding tomato juice to the buttermilk is also  highly beneficial.

Onion Juice
Onion Juice -  is extremely beneficial for dark spots on the skin. 
Red onion actually acts as a bleaching agent because it is highly 
acidic in nature.
You can rub some raw onion directly onto dark spots on the skin
and you  will definitely see a difference in their appearance. 
If you don’t want to rub raw onions on your face also you can
combine one tablespoon of onion juice with two tablespoons of 
honey and apply this to your
dark spots for about twenty minutes. 
Don’t forget to always wash the area well.

Papaya - Papaya is wondrous for treating all kinds of conditions
of the skin. 
It’s got a powerful enzyme in it that helps to get rid of dark
spots, acne, and other skin blemishes.
Fresh papaya that has been smashed to a pulp or grated should
be applied 
directly to the dark spots on the skin and left for at least twenty

Aloe Vera 
Aloe vera - Aloe has long been known for its healing properties 
of the skin. 
It has long been known to treat cases of sunburn, and is 
excellent in getting rid of dark spots and healing stings? 
Fresh aloe "preferably from the plant) should 
be rubbed on the dark spot and left for about an hour. 
Rinse this off with cold water and repeat twice a day for a month.
Over the counter dark spot removers but you have to weigh the
the pros and cons of any product you put on your skin. 
Should You Use a Dark Spot Corrector?
Dark spots on skin are a common problem faced by adults as
they age. 
The unsightly blemishes tend to appear most frequently around
the face and hands; and can become particularly troublesome
to get rid of. 
Although chemical peels and professional skin care procedures 
have been 
effective methods for getting rid of sun spots, they can be costly 
and may cause swelling and irritation; 
leading many individuals to look for the best dark spot corrector
as an effective alternative to cosmetic procedures. 
Unfortunately, such topical treatments also have a variety of 
drawbacks; such as potentially severe side effects, and the fact that topical treatments tend to work over time, instead of showing
immediate results. However, if you take the time to do your 
research and read dark spot corrector reviews, you may find 
that a topical treatment may be a safer and more convenient 
alternative to more invasive cosmetic procedures.


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