9 ways to earn money from poetry

 Earn money from your poetry
Writing poetry is quite intimidate and normally exciting, but does it pays to write poems the first poem I ever sold was only for $1 that was a very relieving moment,  but the only thing that discouraged  me it couldn't have made me enjoy a bottle drink and single patty loaf not really encouraging  I tell still I didn't give up in any way, whatsoever I keep on driving until I stared into success.

Create a poetry blog
The funniest thing about poems people don't buy poems alot but they do read them a lot. Starting a poetry blog
Sign-up for ad network like Google adsense get paid for leads, or sign up for affiliate programs or network, Clickbank or commission junction monetize your site and earn cash or even sell advertising space.

Put poetry on content sharing sites
They are  numerous sites that are "pay per view" sites: Triondhubpagessqiudoo  http://www.seekyt.com  and many more sites don't pay alot but it helps to put something in your pockets.

Record poems to recording beats
Record your poems to riddim beats upload to amazon createspace and sell album and sell singles on the itune store.
Do videos of your poems and upload them to youtube Monetize your channel display ads for Google adsense and get paid for a per view.

Sell your poems on products
Create t-shirt, coffee mugs, wedding invitations apply you poems on these products on sites like, zazzle.com
Spreadshirt.com   and cafe press and sell your products worldwide.

Write for greetings card companies

They're lots of greeting card companies that accept outside submission. They are willing to pay cash for your well crafted verses. Check out these websites and walk through their guidlines for submission: hallmark    designer greetings  http://www.amberlotus.com/artist-submissions/

Publish your own poetry magazine
If you are serious about poetry you could actually start your poetry magazine even if you are broke, interesting and  concerning people can be located by theses platform below they will help you fund your dream. Sites like: Kickstarter   indiegogo gofundme they will fund your choice to success.

Self publish your poetry book
Sell your book of poetry book as an ebook and print this can be done with no upfront cost at all. Places like lulu.com  and createspace.com (print on demand company)  for both printing and distribution. These companies allows you to upload your books file, write a description, set your own price and start selling your craft.
Promote on your social media pages and other place like Craigslist.

Win poetry contest
Put yourself to test by  submitting to poetry contest. Some of these  contest  are free entry while others will ask for a small contribution for entry fee. Read guidlines for genre and submit. Poetry Writing contest

Sell poems to magazine
Not many magazine buy poems anymore because the fault of technology increased this makes writers more engaging because you have to be more dedicated and focus to buy a spot in the writing industry, well few a few of these will buy your  verses. Check catalog for submissions guidelines.  



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