My love, my love
My love, my love:
You're the one who understand,
You have accepted my friendship on Facebook
Stay truth on boards at pinterest
A professional lover at LinkedIn
I'm following you @reallove
You have given me smiles on instagram
You always updates me with lucky sms
Unforgettable, when your voice lashes over the line
My love, my love:
You're the one who understand
You've reviewed me on bookdaily
Put me on a community of goodreads
Shared our shockingly story on wattpad
Put each of our trouble on a blog
While waiting for comments on your personal website
But, my love my love:
You're the one who understand
Our user name is hard to unscramble
Our e-mail has been permanently closed
Maybe our password can't be hack
Maybe our password can't be hack
And our likes are no to be share
Because my love, my love:
You're the one who understand
Our video's are too blurry to have had watch
These pics are too tiny to be of zooming
Audio didn't recorded clarity
And our sign up failed
This software cannot be download
This apps doesn't fit any Android, or smart zone
These words can't be cut copy or paste
And this is nothing really to repost
Because my love, my love
You're the one who understand.
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