The best video ideas to make money online youtube

The best video ideas to make money online youtube

Gaming videos

These are widely used on youtube.
Gaming is mostly for high school kids that are into gaming
hence it's all the competition.

Cooking videos

Make videos that showcase recipes. Cooking videos that displays hosts of different cultures dishes. Explore foods we aLl love to eat.

What about *how to* videos that teaches something "educational videos"

Make videos that teaches people how to do stuff from a pin to an anchor. Just how to do stuff many people can learn by seeing how it is done not by reading about it.
For instance you know maths very well
 A video about 

*how to do factorization you done calculation on a board demonstrating and explaining* 
 And you make that video teaching factorization. ..............
how to do algebra .............,..,...
how to fix your Samsung..............
how to do anything that has a value

Make up and hairdo videos:

This is mostly for ladies making hairstyle.
Apply make ups to your face or family friends and  review it the same time.
make beautiful convincing videos that teaches how to use those various eyeliners and hairdos for each day and each occasion.

Rant videos; expression videos:

These are videos that displays host of different topics: Sport, religion, sexual and political,  are the most widely used .
make these videos very dictating so it will be convincing to your audiences
just speak  your mind !
use your own style your originality works best.

Movie reviewer, chat about that movie scene:  

Show clips of that move you just saw or had seen in the past up load clips or trailer pause it talk about. Give your honest review about each movie people would love to know what they're craving to see.
*please watch the movie first*

Beauty Products reviewers; used and expresses

Buy cologne, sort of creams, shampoo and others  all theses valuable  beauty products giving your honest reviews about it telling people they should use them or not. There's alot of opportunities when it comes to products reviews.

Talent search 

Making videos about yourself showing off your talents it could be stunting, dancing, singing, rapping even any sporting skills what ever you can do that lies within your heart
makes series of them upload frequently and watch them soared.

Work out videos; fitness videos:

Can you make videos that can be entertaining and a value to people lifestyle?
If the answer is *yes*    then you can get lot of followers on your YouTube channel teaching new and interesting moves that can produce those hard 6 pack abs and of good health benefits.
If it have good chance of burning belly fat then you are just on your way for maximum views.

Make videos of singing hits song with your weird throat:

If you can catch the words of hits songs quickly enough then make videos of them because you will actually teach people the words of the songs. That they had trouble to catch and who knows you might just  becomes the next big recording artist.


make videos as often as possible

Make videos with alot of clarity both video and audio


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