12 simple steps i used to sell books online

How I earn most of my writing skills to get my first ebook best seller

1. First I would say this, a good writer is also a good reader I read a lot to copy what         
     others are doing;  read well that's a key.

2. I write alot everyday, even fives minutes of my hard working days. Write even             
    something even two lines.

3. Many talkin about joining a workshops or taking night classes, that's also a great         
    chance too.

4. Mostly I pay close attention to those guys, what, when, where, who and how.

5. Listen to yourself you might here telling you great things. Admit, first draft is 

    always a cap.

6. Compiled  your emotions imagination and ideas display fashion of your lighting        
   world .

7. Don't write too fast, your self  is bias, don't let it leads you astray.

8. Use other people thoughts listen to your surrounding everyone has a voice.

9. Pay close attention to your grammar usage such as , articles Athe, and  An
     Effect -  affect

     Among - between

10. Don't  allow fancy words, to steal your ability to become a great writer
       Take your time to grow your writing skills .

11. Spend more time revising than writing. Don't watch  the majority,  accept  the              

12. Watch out for unnecessary words this is fearly another mistake made by many.
       Many shorter sentence have more power.

      Twelve of the world's greatest living authors reveal their tips for writing a book           that sells over a million copies in Celebrity Authors' Secrets.
      A must-have guide - filled with publishing and book marketing info - for aspiring         writers, authors, publishers, editors, writing coaches,
      creative writing tutors and anyone who loves books. Find out how to make your           book stand out from the masses!
      This  book is really a great book that can be of great help.  Download it here


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